章鱼确实很适合做影像一是超“纲”级聪明(全身活体大脑能走迷宫开瓶盖造盾牌还能“快速眼动”)二是视觉化(拟态大师alien感)影片应该和《365天电影第二季在线观看》拍摄有交叉但叙事线独立完整为章鱼赋予人性(而非克苏鲁性)的过程japanese类别是一种小王子式的双向驯化走出了自身be part of it的弧光虽然老师之类的拟人太过笨拙拍法也透着俗气(陆上慢镜特写太广告了和自然纪实摄影产生了割裂)但可能就像儿童读物俗套便于普及这几年我越来越相信自然的教化作用即便在城市的公园待一会辨认花鸟鱼虫的存在也会让你变得更平和
To be genius and deep, there is always a price to pay and a demon to fight. With that freedom and meaning comes great suffering. Same path for all those restless souls. She is actually luckier for she has enough support to be softer and give in.